A downloadable soundtrack

Since its my first jam, I decided for a simple composition style. 

In the two first tracks, I tried to express the loneliness of a space travel. Since space, on reality, its not a loud ambience, I choosed to use less instruments. 

In the first planet track, I tried to express the image of a busy space city. I used noises to reproduce the passing of cars, horns and tried to made a pleasant bass line since its going to be on loop.

About the recording process and all, I played everything you hear (except for the drums, which I used Garage Band), I decided to go this way because I think using MIDI instruments and trying to sync them can be kinda annoying and I consider myself a old school musician. 

Also, I recorded every instrument (bass guitars and electric guitars) with a Audio-Technica condenser mic positioned in front of my Vox guitar amp. I searched for this organic sound, avoiding to just plug in the instrument in the interface and making sound directly in my DAW (Garage Band).


Teegarden - Main Menu Theme.mp3 2.6 MB
Teegarden - Planet Selection Theme.mp3 1.9 MB
Teegarden - Hotel Planet Theme.mp3 3.9 MB

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